building and renewable energies network of technology
brenet is an association according to Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code.
brenet sees itself as a platform to which industry, commerce, planners and authorities can turn for advice on the topics of sustainable construction, urban development, building technology and renewable energies.
«I am only interested in the future, because that is the time I will live in.»
Albert Schweitzer
Currently, 12 institutes from all over Switzerland are members of brenet (universities of applied sciences, members of the ETH Domain and private organisations)
The cooperation of the brenet member institutes opens up a wide range of competences to our research and development partners. With the competence matrix (in german) you will find the optimal combination of knowledge of the individual institutes for your project. The administrative office will be happy to coordinate your request with the various competencies of the members.
To the brenet competence matrices:
Referate update '23
Franziska Ryser: Welche Kooperation zwischen Fachhochschulen und Politik braucht es für die Energiewende?
René Estermann: Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu Netto-Null 2040
Markus Koschen: Quartierklima-Modellierung
Daniel Kellenberger: Entwicklung des Gebäudeparks im Sinne des Netto-Null Klimaziels
Andreas Häberle: RENOWAVE - Dekarbonisierung des Gebäudebestands
Johan Verbiest & Marie Theres Moser: Gewerksübergreifende energetische Systemtests
Roman Rudel: Lugaggia Innovation Community - ein ZEV P&D-Projekt
Yvonne Bäuerle: BigStoreDH - Grosse Wärmespeicher für Wärmenetze
Member Institutes
The member institutes demonstrate a high level of competence in one or more of the following areas: sustainable construction, building services engineering and renewable energies.
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Services
Ecole d'ingénieurs et d'architectes de Friborg (EIA-FR)
Laboratory energy environment and architecture
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Services, Research: Renewalbe Energies
FHNW University of Applied Sciences
Institute for Automation
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Research: Renewalbe Energies
Institut de Genie Thermique (IGT)
Yverdon les Bains
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Research: Renewalbe Energies
OST - Eastern Swiss University of Applied Sciences
Institute for Solar Technology SPF
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Services, Research: Renewalbe Energies
SUPSI, Department of Ambience, Costruzioni and Design
Istituto di Sostenibilità Applicata all'Ambiente costruito (ISAAC)
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Services, Research: Renewalbe Energies
FHNW, University of Architecture, Construction and Geomatics
Institute for Energy in Construction (IEBAU)
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Services
Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture (HEPIA) | Laboratory for Energy Environment and Architecture (LEEA)
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Services
ZHAW, School of Engineering Institute for Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering
Research: Buildings & Quarters, Research: Renewalbe Energies
eco center
Sustainable Energy Systems Laboratory
The Executive Board
Prof. Dr. Juerg Bichsel
Prof. Dr. Frank Tillenkamp
Member of the board
ZHAW School of Engineering
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur
Prof. Dr. Juerg Bichsel
Prof. Dr. Oliver Steiger
Member of the board
The Advisory Board
The brenet advisory board supports the competence network with its connections to the economy, authorities and politics.
The members of the advisory board accompany and promote the activities of the network.